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Garden chairs NOEMI LOW SET2


SKU: 0805994 Categories: ,

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2-4 weeks


Garden chairs NOEMI LOW SET2 by Italian brand Bizzotto.

Dimensions: 58a – 60b – 88h – 44h1 – 63h2
Materials: Tropical wood (acacia)
Notes: Partly suitable for outdoor use
Quantity: 2 pcs / set

  • Acacia wood, oil finish, galvanized steel screws.
  • NB! It is recommended to not expose the item to direct sunlight and bad weather.

  • The item is intended for the use of one person only.
  • This product is made of tropical wood (acacia).
  • To preserve the initial look of the piece of furniture, it is advisable to treat one or more times a year, as soon as the color begins to fade:
    • Brush with mild soapy water following the grain of the wood to better remove dust or dirt
    • Rinse intensively with clear water
    • Sand lightly with an extra fine grain abrasive if necessary
    • Apply garden furniture oil that protects and nourishes the wood. It is advisable to first try on a non-visible part
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  • Wood is a natural material that changes and stabilizes over time.
  • Screws and bolts must be checked and tightened regularly, otherwise the product can be dangerous and damage may occur.
  • Cracks, small openings, variations of colour and finishing, irregularities on the surface, knots and imperfections can appear: They are typical features of outdoor furniture and do not affect the durability of the product.
  • Do not cover the product with materials that do not allow air pass through them causing humidity (for example pvc or plastic table mat).
  • Never use aggressive detergents. Never use abrasive sponges that may scratch the surfaces.
  • Do not cover the product with materials that do not allow air pass through them causing humidity (for example pvc or plastic table mat).
  • Where possible, it is recommended to turn the cushions regularly to even the color variations that could occur after long exposure to the sun.
  • Cases of wear, distortion and discoloration of all the components of the product which is directly exposed to atmospheric agents, handling and/or daily use, are to be considered as normal and therefore, under no circumstances will they be evaluated as manufacturing defects as such because associated with the normal conditions of use of the item.

Garden chairs NOEMI LOW SET2 by Italian brand Bizzotto.

NB! THE MININMUM ORDER AMOUNT FOR OUTDOOR FURNITURE IS 2990 EUR. If you want to order goods for a smaller amount, please contact us.

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Тип стульев



2-4 weeks

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Garden chairs NOEMI LOW SET2


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Garden chairs NOEMI LOW SET2


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