

Sofa beds LeComfort

Sofa beds for living spaces that require a competent attitude to both versatility and multifunctionality. The sofa bed, a resting place and the cornerstone of the family’s everyday life, turns into a comfortable bed for sleeping when needed. These sofas stand out for their identity and structural appearance, highlighted by a choice of armrests and easy-to-use opening mechanisms. The sofas have ergonomic beds equipped with space-saving storage solutions to smartly fit the demands of modern living.

For each model, there is a choice of two-, three- and maxi three-seater versions, as well as several types of armrests for individual interior design.

What to look for when buying a sofa bed

Think about how often you’re likely to switch it from couch to bed and back again. If you’re going to deploy it often, it’s especially important to make sure you can do it easily. Or if it’s just for occasional guests, you might want to consider a cheaper option than if you had a more regular guest.

Measure and measure again
You need to measure the room carefully to make sure it fits your area well. Make sure you consider the dimensions of the sofa bed you choose, when it is a sofa and when it fully folds out into a bed. Leave enough space to easily move around in any configuration.

If your home is short on space, a sofa bed is a must. Add one to a home office or bedroom and it’s a room with two functions; Choose one for the living room if you don’t have the luxury of a guest bedroom, or if you need to accommodate more people than you have spare rooms. The most common are double sofa beds. But you can choose triple and corner sofa beds.

Corner sofa beds can be a great way to make the most of hard-to-reach spaces. And they often include storage.




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